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Home News

IIC S-5B Program Students Feature in Spatial Source

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IIC was privileged to be asked to provide an article to Spatial Source covering the recently graduated IIC Academy S-5B Hydrographic Surveyor Program. This article focuses primarily on the students and their time on the Practical and Assessment in Portland Australia.


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05Dec, 24

S-8B Nautical Cartographer Program Graduation in Vietnam

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On the 25th October 2024, a graduation ceremony was conducted with representatives from the Vietnamese Government, Australian Government and IIC Technologies. This delivery of the IIC Academy S-8B Nautical Cartographer Program was paid for by the Australian Government and delivered by the IIC Academy as part of the Australian Government’s intention to build relations with Vietnam.


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25Oct, 24

IIC Academy S-5B Hydrographic Surveyor Program Commences

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This week the IIC Academy proudly launched the 2024-25 Global delivery of the IBSC Recognised S-5B Hydrographic Surveyor Program. The occasion was marked with virtual opening ceremonies in Australasia and Europe, with heartfelt Welcome to Country for the Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Island students.


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02Sep, 24

IIC Academy Features in HYDRO International

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A very interesting article has just been released in HYDRO International on International Recognition as a Certified Hydrographer. This article discusses the what, how and why of hydrographic certification and is well worth the read.


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25May, 24

IIC Academy Commences S-5B Practical in Australia

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It has been a very exciting day kicking off the IIC Academy S-5B Practical in Portland, Australia. This practical will see the students, who have come in from Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Australia, learning the practical aspects of hydrographic surveying and consolidating the theory that they have now successfully completed.


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06May, 24

IHO 3rd Assembly – Monaco

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IIC Technologies attended the IHO 3rd Assembly in Monaco 01-15 May 2023. This proved to be to be an excellent event for all attendees. As the first face to face Assembly since COVID there was an extremely positive atmosphere, with seven new Member State nations joining and progress in many areas.


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01May, 23

IIC Project discussed in Hydro International

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Hydro International recently interviewed Tion Uriam of the Marine Division of Kiribati Ministry of Information Communications and Transportation (MICT) on the importance of the Kiribati Outer Island Infrastructure Investment Project (KOITIIP). This Project is considered a vital step in Kiribati’s plan for developing trade, safety of navigation, infrastructure resilience and much more.


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17Mar, 23

IIC S-5B Opening Ceremony

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It has begun! After much build-up the 2022-23 IIC Academy S-5B Hydrographic Surveyor Program kicked off with its opening ceremony yesterday.

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07Sep, 22

Leveraging Technology - National Mission for Clean Ganga

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Government of India launched an Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission called “Namami Gange” aiming on abatement of pollution together with cleaning of Ghats, regulatory control of Industrial pollution and online monitoring of pollution in the river, besides afforestation and biodiversity conservation.

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30Aug, 22

LinkedIn Post: SPC LiDAR Training: SAMOA

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The ability for Pacific Island nations such as Samoa to undertake planning and to build resilience against the anticipated impact from sea level rise, storm surge and heightened weather patterns is often limited by the availability of accurate data and the means to generate value from it.

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29Aug, 22
Geo Panel

IIC Successful in Selection to AGO GeoPanel

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IIC Technologies has been privileged to provide geospatial support to the Australian Government for many years and look forward to continuing this support under the Geospatial Goods and Services Standing Offer Panel (GeoPanel) announced by the Australian Government today.

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26Jul, 22